We are incredibly proud of all of our LOOM Coworking members and love seeing their growth, personally and professionally. Learn more about Jaime Moffett.
Who is Jaime Moffett? I was born and raised on Long Island, New York. My husband and two children moved to Charlotte in 2014. We now reside in Fort Mill and love it here!
Tell us about your educational background? I studied at The University at Albany Undergraduate with a major in communications and psychology. I received my masters degree in Social Work from Fordham University in Manhattan in 2008, and in 2012 I received my degree in Clinical Social Work after studying under a psychiatrist for three years at a research program from prodromal schizophrenic and bipolar adolescents. I am a certified forensic mental health evaluator and a certified child custody evaluator.
Describe your company and who are your customers? I am the Founder and clinical director of JM Family Services, LLC. JM Family Services, LLC provides therapeutic supervised visitation services for parents working on strengthening parenting skills and enhancing their relationship with their child/children who are experiencing challenges due to high conflict divorce dynamics or concerns about neglect and abuse. I am appointed through the family court system. I provide therapy for children and adolescents who are struggling with anxiety, depression, or affected by parental relational distress due to high conflict divorce and custody litigation. I am also presently working with sex offenders on federal probation in group and individual therapy.
What do you do on a daily basis? Take the day minute by minute. Life can be very overwhelming at times and we tend to get overstimulated and overwhelmed very quickly in our modern society.
What are your personal and/or professional goals? My personal and professional goal would be to end bullying in our schools.
Other than work, what are you most passionate about? Other than work I am passionate about music. I learned to play guitar about six years ago and use it as a coping mechanism for stress. I also am passionate about animals, nature, and my puppy Maverick.
What is the best way to connect with you? The best way to contact me is via email at jmfamilyservices@gmail.com or Linkedin.